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How serious is it?

Pimples are not just pimples. Some have a few blackheads on their chin, others many red pimples in their face and on their back. Very few have painful boil-like skin conditions.

In very rare cases, the disease can develop into an illness, with painful wounds in the skin, fever and a spreading infection.

With approx. 85% of those affected by pimples, it is necessary to use some kind of pimple treatment. Almost half are so affected that they go to the doctor.

Even though pimples are far from at life threatening disease, many experience it as a big problem. Pimples in full outbreak can ruin self-confidence, happiness, being in love and other lovely feelings.

You do not have to ‘learn to live with’ pimples. If you feel that the pimple-problem is too big, you should try to treat yourself the first time around. (cf. treatment at home). If it does not work, you can contact your doctor. It is not silly to see your doctor with pimples, and there are efficient treatments (cf. the doctor’s treatment).