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Blood in the urine - men

By Bjarne Lühr Hansen PhD, MD and Philipp Skafte-Holm MD, Mentor Institute

Visible blood in the urine can have several different causes and is rarely a serious symptom. However, you should always consult a doctor to rule out inflammation, stone disease and cancer. If you have visible blood in the urine, fever and pain you should contact your doctor immediately.

Visible blood in the urine is not as common in men. The most common causes are inflammation of the urinary tract and stone disease. By inflammation, there will also be a frequent and burning urination, and possibly fever. By stone disease there will also be pain in the lower back, abdomen or urethra. Some - especially young men - have visible blood in the urine after hard physical activity - contact sports, swimming and triathlon. It disappears the following day and is not dangerous. More rare but serious causes is cancer of the bladder, prostate or kidneys. In half of the patients, you will find no certain explanation for blood in the urine. Some people have red colored urine after eating large amounts of boiled beets.

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What can you do?

You should avoid hard physical activity by visible blood in the urine.

Contact the doctor tomorrow

When there is visible blood in the urine.

Contact the doctor immediately

By pain, fever and blood in the urine should contact your doctor immediately. It may be a sign of kidney stones and inflammation at the same time.