Coronary Thrombosis
By Bjarne Lühr Hansen PhD, MD and Philipp Skafte-Holm MD, Mentor Institute
A coronary thrombosis is a life-threatening condition. It appears either with violently oppressive, unbearable chest pains with nausea and vomiting or by unconsciousness. You must call the doctor immediately, if you suspect a coronary thrombosis.
A coronary thrombosis is a common and very serious illness. Of those who are struck with the illness, around 1/3 are struck before they reach 65 years, 1/3 in the age of 65 to 75 and 1/3 after 75 years. One third die during the first 24 hours after the coronary, a part of them even before they reach the hospital.
Coronary thromboses arise because the blood supply to a part of the heart stops. That part of the heart that no longer receives blood dies. If you survive the coronary, scar tissue is formed corresponding to the part of the heart affected. If a sufficiently large area of the heart is affected, the heart will be unable to function normally later in life.
The cause of a coronary thrombosis is sclerosis of the coronary arteries. When the sclerosis is total, blood no longer reaches the heart. Sclerosis occurs with everybody, as we get older. With smoking, obesity, lack of exercise, raised blood pressure, raised levels of cholesterol and diabetes the speed with which sclerosis of the coronary arteries occurs increases. Therefore, it is possible to preclude a coronary thrombosis by stop smoking, loosing weight, exercise and have a healthy diet.
Half of those who have a coronary thrombosis have previously had heart problems in the form of angina pectoris. With the other half, the coronary thrombosis strikes without forewarning.
A coronary thrombosis can appear by sudden violent chest pains. The pains are unbearable and are described as oppressive, pinching behind the breastbone and across the chest. It is common that the pain radiates out into both arms but especially the left arm or rays up into the jaw. You feel seriously ill, have trouble breathing and sweats. Nausea and vomiting is also common.
In some cases, the coronary leads to unconsciousness and possibly the heart stops working. If the ill person is unconscious and there is no pulse it is vital to give CPR.