Mosquito Bites
Culex morsus (Latin name)By Bjarne Lühr Hansen PhD, MD and Philipp Skafte-Holm MD, Mentor Institute
We all know mosquito bites. They are annoying but extremely rarely dangerous. Some respond particularly to mosquito bites and can develop very large swellings. In such cases, the doctor may prescribe adrenal gland hormone on prescription. There may be inflammation of a mosquito bite, which requires antibiotics.
Mosquitos bites you to soak blood. When the mosquitoes bite, saliva comes into the wound. It is spit that gives the reaction to the skin. It is not poisonous, as in the case of wasp sting or bee sting.
The skin responds to mosquito bites with swelling and itching. There is a big difference - from person to person - how strong the swelling becomes. Some just get a little red spot, while others develop large raised areas - up to 10 centimetres in diameter.
Allergic reactions - as seen by bee and wasp sting - almost never seem to occur. Mosquito bites in Europe are therefore never dangerous.
When you scratch a mosquito stick, you can transfer bacteria to the wound. This can cause inflammation of the skin that is being treated with antibiotics. In case of inflammation the swelling increases and the skin becomes more tender, red and hot.