For the last many years the fertility of the population has been subjected to vast attention in the media. It has been claimed that fertility is decreasing as a result from pollution and unhealthy living. It is uncertain whether the number of involuntary childless is increasing or decreasing. However that may be, the number of couples seeking help is increasing. This is the case because more and more choose to get help solving the problem.
Involuntary childlessness is a frequent problem. If you examine how many who after 1 year of regular sexual relations have not become pregnant, the case is 1 couple out of every 5.
A pregnancy arise as a cause of 4 steps (see drawing on page 10-11):
Step 1. Sperm swim from the vagina up through the uterus to the Fallopian tube.
Step 2. The sperm encounter an egg in the Fallopian tube.
Step 3. A sperm enter the egg – fertilisation.
Step 4. The fertilised egg is led from the Fallopian tube to the uterus where it attaches itself.
It is that simple and at the same time that complicated.
In connection with an intercourse, millions of sperm are evacuated into the woman’s vagina. From here some of the sperm enter the Fallopian tubes.
Once a month, a mature egg is released from the woman’s ovary. The egg is caught by one of the Fallopian tubes.
In the Fallopian tube, the sperm enters the egg.
The fertilised egg is transported from the Fallopian tube to the uterus in the course of 3 to 4 days. Here it fuses with the mucous membrane of the uterus and the placenta is formed.
Further reading on Involuntary childlessness – What is the cause?